Dear Friends, This week has been auspicious for our rapidly growing movement to get ‘money out of politics’ through a constitutional amendment process. Yesterday, MoveOn came out with a petition calling for a constitutional convention aimed at the Citizens...
Phil Wolfson, MD Psychiatrist and author The 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: The Omnibus Anti-Corruption Amendment Posted: 05/14/2012 3:43 pm Return Representative Democracy to the People. Get Money and Privilege Out of Politics. The Four Notable Truths A...
Please take the time to look at our revised amendment. The essence is still there but we are refining and clarifying in the interest of building a movement that returns democracy to the people. Your comments and suggestions will be heard!
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has proposed a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United vs. FEC. In March 2012, sixty-four Vermont towns successfully approved resolutions during their town meetings calling on...
Other 28th Amendments to the US Constitution From Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont: A Petition to Support the Saving American Democracy Amendment Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court decision...