Let us all face it: We have lost it. If we are not crying for the murdered woman and the injured in Charlottesville, the murdered on the Portland train, all who have been murdered, wounded and damaged by this rampant hatred, we need to turn inward and examine who we...
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-wolfson-md/the-soiled-men-want-your-_b_3344412.html Here is the link!!! Do send your comments
Dear Friends, I had submitted a piece on systemic violence to Tikkun just prior to the children’s massacre. It came out Monday with an introduction embracing the Newtown horror. I appreciate your read, comments and dissemination. It is best read by clicking the...
the link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-wolfson-md/amend-money-out-of-politi_b_2288989.html Phil Wolfson, MD Psychiatrist and author Amend! Money Out of Politics — Strategy and Tactics for the Constitutional Amendment Process — the 28th Amendment...
Dear Friends, This week has been auspicious for our rapidly growing movement to get ‘money out of politics’ through a constitutional amendment process. Yesterday, MoveOn came out with a petition calling for a constitutional convention aimed at the Citizens...